My Scroll

Friday, September 28, 2012

Grownup worries I never wanted.

Recently we had a serious medical situation with my mom, she suffered a stroke on Thursday Sept 20th, just 2 days before her 55th birthday. Needless to say, it has been a very emotional and stressful week for everyone. I am just grateful that we have the Gospel to hold onto in our lives, I am even more grateful for the blessings of the temple and its eternal covenants.
Considering the size of her stroke, my mom is living miracle. Thankfully the only permanent damage on her left side, arm and leg mobility, which with time and physical therapy she can and will regain full use of her limbs. The doctors moved her to rehabilitation center on Thursday Sept 27th and she started her physical therapy today. The length of her stay will depend on her determination and willingness to cooperate with her therapist. I pray everyday that the Lord will send my mom comfort and peace to accept her situation and keep moving forward.
I am grateful for all the love and support from my aunts and cousins that they have been able to provide my mom and dad. I don't think I can or will be able to fully express to my aunts and cousins, particularly Jasmine and Rose, how much I love them, admire, and appreciate what they have done for my mother. Life is changing for all of us I just hope that we can all cope with them as best as we can.

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